Our Studio

Bodhi Pilates is a family owned and innovative Pilates Studio with compassionate instructors focused on providing a positive movement experience.  Let our highly educated and Certified instructors help you shape your body and mind to improve your functional movements.  We offer a personalized and prescriptive program specifically tailored and designed for you.  You will experience improved postural alignment and increased body awareness while simultaneously developing and deepening your strength and flexibility.  Allow Bodhi Pilates to nurture your mind and body.

Our Instructors

Laura McKaskle, Meredith Larimer, Ashley Curran, Laura McInnis, Tammy Shipley, Sarah Herscovici, Ashley Capenos, Heide Zufall, and Laura Jarrell have all been significantly affected by Pilates, and we want to help others realize transformations as well.  Bodhi Pilates is a beautiful, fun and energetic place where people can share their passion for Pilates and strengthen their minds and bodies.  We are all highly educated, certified and experienced instructors.  Let us prepare an individualized and progressive program specifically tailored and designed for you.  Each program will incorporate exercises that prioritize strength, stability, balance, proprioception and flexibility.  Further, each program will vary in format to keep you motivated and give you the best results in the shortest amount of time.  

Pilates Origins

Joseph Hubertus Pilates (1883 - 1967) was the inventor of the Pilates method of physical fitness.  It was Joseph Pilates' belief that "physical fitness is the first requisite to happiness."  At the outset of WWI, Joe was placed under forced internment.  It was in the camps that he refined his ideas of the Pilates regimen, which he referred to as "Controlology".  He trained other internees, including those who were bedridden. Joe took springs from their beds and used them to create resistance, wherein he began to rehabilitate the other internees.  This led to his later designs and the birth of the Pilates Cadillac, Reformer and Tower, which still function today as remarkable tools in rehabilitation and the development of true muscular balance and strength.